Wednesday 18 November 2020

Wednesday 11 November 2020



Hi guys this is my post about Athletics day hope you like bye

On Tuesday 30 of November Puriri and Kauri Walked to Lovelock Track for Athletics day.

My favourite bit was high Jump because I came second but it was very very challenging to do high jump because it was hard to Verse Lelani. Then she won and I came second. After That we all Packed our bags and walked to discus. When We all Got to the discus We put our bags to the left of our side and we all sat down, after Mrs Burt showed us how to do discus. After Mrs Burt Showed us how to do discus we all stood up and tried to do discuss.

 After that when we all did discus Ariella came first and second was Zion-li and 3rd was Matilda.

 Then We all packed our bags and Everything and We Walked Back to our class and  sat down in our own class. After the Puriri team walked first and Then Kauri Team. We also did shotput and relay races. At the end of the day we walked with our class. I felt happy because I love doing Athletics.    

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Wednesday 3 June 2020

This is my blog post about exploring blogs

Thursday 21 May 2020

Bradley Chalkers Character Web

this is a character web of Bradley chalkers the boy from There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom